Bishop Denise Anders-Modest
Episcopal Chair
Christian Education and Formation

Dr. Carmichael Crutchfield
Christian Education and Formation
Making disciples through events that form and transform
The Department of Christian Education provides “cradle to the grave” nurture in the Christian faith for the members of the CME Church. In addition to those activities normally associated with Christian, this department prepares, selects and recommends all literature and materials to be used in CME churches especially for Sunday Church schools, membership training classes and children, youth and young adults. The Department also prepares, selects and recommends leadership training and promotional literature for ALL the areas of the life and witness of the CME Church. It promotes programs of Christian nurture by keeping the CME Church informed about such activities as Christian Education Week and National Youth and Young Adult Week.
Mission & Vision
Our Mission is to produce and provide connectional resources for our denomination and others. The department of Christian Education is committed to age level teaching ministry.
Our goal is to make disciples through “events that form and transform.”
- Connectional Young Adult Ministry
- Connectional Youth Ministry
- Connectional Children's Ministry
- Connectional Collegiate Ministry
- Pipeline Training Archives
- Weekly Sunday School Lessons
- Youtube Channel
Program and Virtual Office Staff
Reverend Doctor Willa M. Ross
Practitioner Editor -
Reverend Doctor Lesha Agnew
Assistant to General Secretary -
Reverend Dion Broughton
Webmaster and Technology -
Ms. Eartha Grimes
Special Projects -
Ms. Reba Poe
Special Projects
Program and Virtual Office Staff
Ms. Tiffanie Thompson
President, Connectional Young Adult Ministry -
Mrs. Armisha Walker Harrison
Director of Young Adult Ministry -
Reverend Cyreeta Collins
Director of Youth Ministry -
Reverend Lisa Butler
Director of Children’s Ministry
Episcopal District Directors of Christian Education
Ms. Phillis Barlow
First Episcopal District -
Ms. Ida Suggs
Second Episcopal District -
Reverend Judy Esco
Third Episcopal District -
Ms. Annette Garner
Fourth Episcopal District -
Dr. Adrian Evans
Fifth Episcopal District -
Ms. Karen Searcy
Sixth Episcopal District -
Dr. Debra Lowe
Seventh Episcopal District -
Dr. Linda Barnett
Eighth Episcopal District -
Ms. Emma Reagor
Ninth Episcopal District
Adjunct and Volunteer Staff
- Reverend Jacqueline Yates