The Second Episcopal District
Central Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pittsburgh PA, and Fairmount WV

Bishop Denise Anders-
2nd Episcopal District
P. O. Box 36455
Cincinnati OH, 45236
Office: 513-827-6651
[email protected]

Welcome to the Second Episcopal District of the Christian Methodist Episcopal (CME) Church! Led by the esteemed Bishop Denise Anders-Modest, our district encompasses the vibrant regions of Central Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pittsburgh PA, and Fairmount WV. At the Second Episcopal District, our ultimate goal is to serve Christ by embracing a spirit of love towards our fellow individuals and empowering our communities with the necessary resources to live God-fearing lives. We invite you to explore our website and discover the various ways in which we are diligently working to fulfill our mission.
Second District Presiding Elders

Presiding Elder
Bruce Gibson
Cleveland – Pittsburgh
[email protected]

Presiding Elder
Vincent Farris
Louisville – Lexington
[email protected]

Presiding Elder
Lesha Agnew
Cincinnati – Dayton – Indianapolis
[email protected]

Presiding Elder
Peris Lester
Evansville - Hopkinsville
[email protected]
Second District Administrative Team

Rev. Ian Gibson
Executive Assistant

Rev. Dr. Lesha Agnew
Administrative Coordinator