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General Departments & Officers

Department of Christian Education & Formation
Dr. Carmichael Crutchfield
General Secretary
We are committed to providing you with inspiration, tools and resources to expand God’s kingdom. The Department of Christian Education provides “cradle to the grave” nurture in the Christian faith for the members of the CME Church.

The Christian Index
Dr. Ore L. Spragin
Editor, The Christian Index
The Christian Index is the official publication of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. The Christian Index was established in 1867 and has been in continuous publication.
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The Department of Publications
Dr. Roderick D. Lewis, Sr.
General Secretary
The General Department of Publications comprises the publishing interests of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. It operates the Miles Bookstore, publishes Sunday School literature, The Christian Index, and other specialty items.
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Department of Finance & Investments (DFI)
Dr. Victor Taylor (CFO)
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) & General Secretary
The Department of Finance of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church is headed by a General Secretary who administers the General Funds of the Church in accordance with the Connectional Budget approved by the General Conference and the provisions of The Book of Discipline.

Department of Communication & Information Technology
Dr. Theresa Duhart (CIO)
General Secretary
The purpose of the CIT department is to oversee communication and information technology for the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, and to connect, unite and share information within and beyond the walls of the Connectional Church.

Department of Evangelism
and Missions
Rev. Dr. Leon C. Moore, Jr.
General Secretary
The Department of Evangelism and Missions develops and promotes programs that help local congregations become engaged in awareness and ministry of Evangelism and Missions in the local church.
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Department Of
Personnel Services
Rev. Reginald Barnes, Sr.
General Secretary
The Department known as the General Board of Personnel Services was formerly known as the General Board of Pensions of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. The Department addresses the general welfare and needs of ministers and full-time lay personnel of the CME Church, covering such areas as retirement benefits, ministerial care and insurance (life, health, fire and casualty, homeowners, auto and business).

Department Of Lay Ministry
Mr. Shannon Faulk
General Secretary
The Department of Lay Ministry, one of ten (10) General Departments within the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, is led by General Secretary, Mr. Shannon Faulk. The Department aids the CME Church in equipping and enabling her members to engage in effective ministry in the Name of Jesus Christ by focusing on The Laos (the whole people of God).

Women’s Missionary Council
Dr. Jacqueline I. Scott
International President
The Women’s Missionary Council of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church is one of nine programmatic departments. The Council was founded in Nashville, Tennessee, in September, 1918 and celebrated its 100th year in ministry in 2018!

Department of Ministry to Men
Mr. Anthony Smoaks
General Secretary
The Department of Ministry to Men is responsible for developing and promoting throughout the church an effective Christian ministry to by men. The General Secretary is Mr. Anthony Smoaks.
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Connectional Departments & Committees
Connectional Organizations are groups and organizations established within the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church for special services, to perform specific tasks, and/or bring together persons with mutual needs, interests and concerns that become connectional in scope and independent of the General Departments of the Church. The Connectional Organizations of the CME Church are as follows:
Connectional Departments & Orginizations
- The CME Historical Society
- The Connectional Christian Educators Council
- The Connectional Lay Institute
- Connectional Music and Arts Ministry
- The Ministers and Laymen’s Council
- The National Association of CME Church Scouters
- The Presiding Elders Council
Connectional Commissions & Committees
The total program of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church shall be projected and evaluated by Connectional Commissions. The Connectional Commissions and Committees are as follows:
• Commission on Faith and Order
• Commission on Life and Witness
• Commission on Social Justice and Human Concerns
• Commission on Ecumenicity
• Commission on Concerns of Women in the Ministry
• Commission on Ritual and Worship
• Committee on Ministerial Assessment