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Having A Little Faith! A Message from General Secretary Dr. Leon C. Moore, Jr.

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CME Church Communications

BE BOLD: Face Now - Embrace Next - See New

Having A Living Faith!

Dr. Leon C. Moore, Jr.

We are the children of God, heirs to the throne of Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit as readers of the Bible. What is the benefit of attending prayer meetings, Bible study, conferences, and workshops if we don’t have Faith in God?

John Wesley lamented his crisis of faith to a friend named Peter Bohler, suggesting that he should quit preaching because he “had no faith.” Bohler suggested a different path. He said, “Preach faith until you have it.”

If I could suggest one takeaway from Bohler’s quote just for this article, it would be to suggest that we must live faith. The difficulties of life will come, but our response as believers must be grounded in faith. Beloved, during this fall season, our faith should not be to can, store, or shelve our faith until an appointed time because that appointed time is now.

A Faith That Moves Mountains

In our current day reality, we must see mountains in our lives only as temporary obstacles to our destiny. We must ask ourselves, where do we put our faith? The crisis of Wesley’s day may not be much different from the battle with one's faith in which we may question our faith. When our human condition conflicts with our spiritual reality we must be willing to fight in faith. We must understand that it takes faith to witness and to share the Word of God, to grow our churches, and even to love those whom we deem as unlovable.

A Faith of Witnessing

In our faith, we learn to follow God. So, to follow God do we need faith? Yes, absolutely! We are called to be witnesses in various places, but witnesses to, and of what? We did not actually witness the birth of Jesus, his life, death, or resurrection, but we believe by faith. Wesley’s lament in crisis would have caused him to quit but thank God for friends like Bohler who remind us not to give up. Evangelism and Missions are moments of faith. At times we may not see the fruit it produces but we must not be quiet. For what benefit to the body of Christ and the Kin-dom (intentional) of God is quitting? Hymn 222, “We Come This Far by Faith” reminds us, “We have come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord, Trusting in His holy Word, He's never failed us yet. Singin' oh, oh, oh, can't turn a-round, we’ve come this far by faith” and helps us on our journey. I challenge you in your quiet time to meditate on the words of the hymn and even to sing it, then ask yourself, “Where do I put my faith?” 


We are The Christian Methodist Episcopal Church recognizing the importance of Christ in our daily lives.


Dr. Leon C. Moore, Jr.

General Secretary of Evangelism and Missions

Anderson Chapel CME Church, Holly Springs, MS


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