Bishop Kwame Lawson Adjei
Patron Bishop

Mrs. Felecia G. Johnson
MSWWD President
Hello, my name is Mrs. Felecia G. Johnson and I bring you greetings, on behalf of the CME Ministers’ Spouses Widows/Widowers Department, also known as MSWWD. I am the newly elected President representing all ministers’ spouses, widows, and widowers across the CME connection. I am so excited about the ministry as we move forward this new conference year embracing our Quadrennial Theme, "Be BOLD: Face Now - Embrace Next – See New" and how we as Ministers’ Spouses can become Change Agents for this organization. I believe we can no longer just do business as usual if we want to bring about change. God called us not only to be change agents in the world, fulfilling His purpose but also within the MSWWD, making a difference, being accountable in service, show we care and improving the way we carry out the ministry.
Let us remember that we are dependent upon each other to carry out our mission and that each of us has a role to fulfill with great expectations.
Lady Felecia G. Johnson
President of the Ministers’ Spouses Widows/Widowers Department
Mrs. Felecia G. Johnson was elected President of the CME Ministers’ Spouses Widows/Widowers Department during the General Conference held in Cincinnati, Ohio on June 28, 2022. She is the 7th President elected to serve since the ministry was organized in 1995.
Born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to the parents of Mr. Charles Joseph Thompson and Mrs. Mable Jean Thompson. She is the youngest of four children born to this marriage. She lived in Baton Rouge until her family moved to Houston, Texas.
She attended public school K-2nd grades in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and 3rd-12th in Houston, Texas and is a graduate of the University of Phoenix in Phoenix, Arizona with a Bachelor of Information Technology and Master of Technology Systems. She is an IT Professional with 40+ years diversity in technology.
She is married to Rev. Dr. Charles W. Johnson, a pastor assigned to the Southeast Texas Region under the 8th Episcopal District. They reside in Houston, Texas, and has a blended family of 5 children (Patrick, Nichole, Jamie, Jason, and Jennifer) and 8 grandchildren (Chris, Jourdain, Madison, Trace, Hannah, Kaylen, Charlee, & Carsyn).
She has served faithfully at her local church as well as the Ministers’ Spouses ministry for 40 years. For the past 10 years she has served on the Executive Board serving as a Financial Secretary, Vice President and now President. Before serving in those capacities, she has held various offices across her district and region.
Structure Statement
The Ministers’ Spouses Widows/Widowers Department is designed so that each Episcopal District has representation, and that each officer represents his/her Episcopal District by holding an office on the Executive Committee. The intent is to ensure that information flows horizontally arid vertically throughout the connection.
Legislative History
The Ministers’ Spouses Widows/Widowers Department, authorized by the 1994 General Conference, is the Connectional organization for the spouses, widows and widowers of the ministers of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (C.M.E.). Its purpose is to provide at the Connectional level of the church a means by which ministers’ spouses may share mutual concerns, support, communication and fellowship. The Department is organized at the Connectional, Region and District level and is supported by membership dues and affiliation fees. It’s major program is the Widow’s Mite and the Barbara Hoye Scholarship Fund for children of C.M.E. Ministers. It meets annually at the C.M.E. Unity Summit.
Membership is an honor and privilege. It is always the intent to include members and provide a welcoming and nurturing environment. Special attention is given to widows and affiliate members. Our widows and widowers are our charge to assist and treasure. We welcome and need their participation to keep us relevant and able to minister to our families and the church in general. They are encouraged to participate in all levels and activities, but it is not mandatory. Connectional dues must be paid annually, and Regional departments are urged to pay these dues on the widows/widower’s behalf.
Patron Bishops

Bishop Kwame Lawson Adjei
Patron Bishop

Bishop Charles L. Helton

Bishop Bobby Best

Bishop Godwin T. Umoette

Bishop Ronald Cunningham
Retired & Active Bishops Spouses

Lady Alfreda Lakey

Lady Dr. Doris Williams

Lady M. Earline Stewart

Lady Yvonne Gilmore
Advisors & Executive Board

Lady Sonja Dowell
1st District

Lady Wanda Henry
2nd District

Lady Carmen Williams
3rd District

Lady Carolyn Hendricks
3rd District

Lady Rose Willis
4th District

Lady Rosie Carter
4th District

Lady Lakisha Heath
5th District

Lady Regina Dillard
5th District

Lady Dr. Louise Brown
6th District

Lady Martha Wiley
6th District

Lady Deloris Walker
7th District

Lady Andrea Couch
7th District

Lady Wendy Reddick
8th District

Lady Felecia Johnson
8th District

Lady Michelle Hames
9th District

Lady Marilyn Mitchell
9th District

Lady Lorretta Helton
10th District

Rev. Mercy Adjei
11th District
Bishops Widows

Lady Clarice Cunningham

Lady Elizabeth Coleman

Lady Elizabeth Umoette

Lady Esther Isom

Lady Gladys Brown, Deceased

Lady Jacqueline Best

Lady Lillie Lockett

Lady Lillie Lockett

Lady Norma Jean Cummings

Lady Ocie Hoyt

Lady Wylene Broomfield

Lady Willie Helton