The Seventh Episcopal District
North East USA

Bishop James B.
7th Episcopal District
PO Box 1929
Hartford CT, 06144
Office: 214-372-9073
Fax: 214-372-2082
[email protected]
Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father, in Jesus Christ our Lord. Here in the 7th Episcopal District, we embrace those seeking salvation, love, hope, peace, or the joy found in Jesus. You can find Jesus at any of our churches in the Seventh. We pray our ministries will be a blessing to you and look forward to serving the Lord with you. Come assist us in building the Kingdom of God.
Here in the 7th District of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church our mission is to be faithful to God in our living, giving, and witnessing. Our primary aim is to recover the lost, reach for the fallen, and rejoice with the saints. We further strive to be to be Christ-like in our integrity, mutual respect, and loyalty. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Seventh District Presiding Elders

Rev. Kevin J. Agee
Washington - Virginia District
Presiding Elder

Rev. Patricia Degrafenried
Philadelphia District
Presiding Elder

Rev. William McCullough
New York - New England District
Presiding Elder

Rev. Jetson Ronzell Maness
Charleston - Columbia District
Presiding Elder

Rev. Faye R. Houston
Winston Salem - Greenville District
Presiding Elder

Rev. Clifton E. Harris
Durham District
Presiding Elder