The CME Church Official Website

The Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

CME Church Episcopal Office

4466 Elvis Presley Blvd. Memphis, TN 38116

Contact Number

(901) 345-0580

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A man in a suit and glasses is smiling.

Senior Bishop Lawrence L. Reddick III

Department Chairman

Portrait of a man in a suit and bow tie.

Rev. Reginald Barnes, Sr.

General Secretary of Personnel Services

General Board of Personnel Services

The Department known as the General Board of Personnel Services was formerly known as the General Board of Pensions of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. The Department addresses the general welfare and needs of ministers and full-time lay personnel of the CME Church, covering such areas as retirement benefits, ministerial care, and insurance. The General Secretary is Rev. Reginald G. Barnes.

The Department oversees and coordinates all pension funds, insurance programs, health services, retirement plans and other related personnel services for ordained ministers in full connection and lay personnel working full-time for the Church. Also, it keeps records and vital statistics of all clerical personnel in full connection.

In addition, the department continually seeks to develop an expanded program which includes concerns of and for the ministry in terms of support and maintenance, counseling, welfare relief, pre-retirement assistance, retirement and survivors benefits of CME ministers.

Other areas of responsibility include

  • The CME Gift Fund Plan
  • CME Keyperson Insurance Program
  • The CME Fire and Casualty Insurance Plan

along with our expanded responsibilities for the CME 403(b) Plan (a self-directed companion of the Retirement Plan), the Zion Christian Cemetery (administered by the non-profit Zion Community Project, Inc.) and our New Day and Audubon Oaks Subdivision Property Projects.

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